Tumor Suppressor Genes: What is Cancer? Video Series
Cancer is caused by changes to DNA in genes. In healthy cells, tumor suppressor genes slow or stop cell growth. In cancer cells, DNA changes in tumor suppressor genes can inactivate them and lead to uncontrolled cell growth.

Learn more at https://www.cancer.gov/about-cancer/understanding/what-is-cancer

About the “What is Cancer?" Video Series:
Cancer is not one disease, but a collection of related diseases that can occur almost anywhere in the body. At its most basic, cancer is a disease of the genes in the cells of our body. Genes control the way our cells work. But, changes to these genes can cause cells to malfunction, causing them to grow and divide when they should not—or preventing them from dying when they should. These abnormal cells can become cancer.

This video series by the National Cancer Institute breaks these concepts down into bite-sized, sharable animations. Please like, share, embed, and subscribe.

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