Assuming hold is required, the following 11 results were found.
predator in the wild, the Pycnogonida must grip onto areas on its prey where its claws will fit. Once a pycnogonida gets a hold of a host with several of its eight legs, the predator will quickly grab the host with the rest of its appendages and make...
- Type: Article
- Author: Dr. Correo “Cory” Andrew Hofstad J.S.D MPHJD MSPH JD Ph.D. M.D. D.O. MBACOGS MDiv
- Category: pycnogonida (PHAGE VIRUS)
- Type: glossary
turn of events, the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID), had its research put on hold following a visit in June 2019 by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), who inspected the USAMRIID level 3 and 4...
- Type: Article
- Author: Dr. Correo “Cory” Andrew Hofstad J.S.D MPHJD MSPH JD Ph.D. M.D. D.O. MBACOGS MDiv
- Category: Pathology
seem to break under a heavy load of dead phages from UV-C application pre-filter. Haemonetics Corporation (Blue) filters hold for two rounds of Apheresis using UV-C light. The surgery is covered by major insurance providers and Tricare.
- Type: Article
- Author: Dr. Correo “Cory” Andrew Hofstad J.S.D, MPH/JD, MSPH, JD, Ph.D., M.D., D.O., MBA/COGS, MDiv
- Category: Medical Treatments for Narcotics Detox
- Type: Article
- Author: Dr. Correo “Cory” Andrew Hofstad J.S.D MPHJD MSPH JD Ph.D. M.D. D.O. MBACOGS MDiv
- Category: Vaccinations
- Type: Article
- Author: Dr. Correo “Cory” Andrew Hofstad J.S.D MPHJD MSPH JD Ph.D. M.D. D.O. MBACOGS MDiv
- Category: Medical News
- Type: Article
- Author: Dr. Correo “Cory” Andrew Hofstad J.S.D MPHJD MSPH JD Ph.D. M.D. D.O. MBACOGS MDiv
- Category: Pathology
- Type: Article
- Author: Dr. Correo “Cory” Andrew Hofstad J.S.D MPHJD MSPH JD Ph.D. M.D. D.O. MBACOGS MDiv
- Category: Pathology
- Type: Article
- Author: Dr. Correo “Cory” Andrew Hofstad J.S.D MPHJD MSPH JD Ph.D. M.D. D.O. MBACOGS MDiv
- Category: Pathology
- Type: Article
- Author: Dr. Correo “Cory” Andrew Hofstad J.S.D MPHJD MSPH JD Ph.D. M.D. D.O. MBACOGS MDiv
- Category: Oncology
may help create a bridge between the sender and recipient, fostering more profound connections. This emergent theory holds implications transcending simple mental exchanges. By understanding how resonant frequencies operate within the brain, scientists...
- Type: Article
- Author: Dr. Correo “Cory” Andrew Hofstad J.S.D MPHJD MSPH JD Ph.D. M.D. D.O. MBACOGS MDiv
- Category: Medical News
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