HIV Why test? explained #4
HIV is a viral infection that is passed in the blood and is commonly passed on through sex, child birth, sharing drugs via needles and unsterilised medical equipment and blood transfusions.

Why test?
If you are negative, then you will find out that you don't have the disease and this will take anxiety away. You can then take steps to ensure you stay negative, for example, ensuring correct condom use and if you are in a high risk group you can take Pre Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP). PrEP is a tablet called Truvada which prevents HIV, like the contraceptive pill prevents pregnancy. PrEP will be covered in another video.

If you are positive you can start treatment, NOT get ill and have a healthy life. If you refuse to test.... well that's your choice but if you are positive you will become ill and suffer unpleasant illnesses.

In summary; test. If positive get on treatment and get your virus under control. When you have an undetectable virus in your blood for at least 6 months, and you continue to take your treament, you can't pass it on. Undetectable = Untransmissable.


Go to your local Sexual Health Centre.

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