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Castleman Disease explained #23
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Castleman disease is a group of uncommon lymphoproliferative (Increased production of lymphocytes) disorders characterized by lymph node enlargement, characteristic features on microscopic analysis of enlarged lymph node tissue, and a range of symptoms and clinical findings e.g. fever.

Castleman disease includes at least 3 distinct subtypes;

1: unicentric Castleman disease (UCD),
2: human herpesvirus 8 associated multicentric Castleman
3: disease (HHV-8-associated MCD), and idiopathic multicentric Castleman disease (iMCD).

These are differentiated by the number and location of affected lymph nodes and the presence of human herpesvirus 8 (HHV8). HHV8 is known to cause the second subtype of Castleman's disease. Correctly classifying the Castleman disease subtype is important, as the three subtypes vary significantly in symptoms, clinical findings, disease mechanism, treatment approach, and prognosis.

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