Term | Definition |
World Wide Web |
All the resources and users on the Internet that are using HTTP protocols. Also called the web and www.
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within-subject differences |
In a crossover trial, variability in each subject is used to assess treatment differences.
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withdrawal |
The subject-initiated act of discontinuing participation in a clinical study. NOTE: Withdrawal can range from the subject's complete withdrawal from study procedures and follow-up activities, to the subject's withdrawal from study-related interventions. [After Guidance on Withdrawal of Subjects from Research: Data Retention and Other Related Issues, September 21, 2010] See also discontinuation.
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well-being (of the trial subjects) |
The physical and mental integrity of the subjects participating in a clinical trial. [ICH]
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weighting |
An adjustment in a value based on scientific observations within the data.
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website |
A collection of web pages and other files. A site can consist of a single web page, thousands of pages, or custom created pages that draw on a database associated with the site.
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web server |
A computer server that delivers HTML pages or files over the World Wide Web. See also server.
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web page |
A single page on a website, such as a home page.
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web browser |
A computer program that interprets HTML and other Internet languages and protocols and displays web pages on a computer monitor.
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washout period |
A period in a clinical study during which subjects receive no treatment for the indication under study and the effects of a previous treatment are eliminated (or assumed to be eliminated).
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Warning Letter |
A written communication from FDA notifying an individual or firm that the agency considers one or more products, practices, processes, or other activities to be in violation of the Federal FD&C Act, or other acts, and that failure of the responsible party to take appropriate and prompt action to correct and prevent any future repeat of the violation may result in administrative and/or regulatory enforcement action without further notice. [FDA]
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