A population of parasites grows at a rate of 1+64^1+64^2+64^3+64^4 and continues for each generation. Generations increase within the host by the hour, day, and week. Phages, cytokines, and plasmodium parasites consume a host’s calories at an exponentially growing rate to spread throughout an infected host.
Once an invading population of Phage viruses has successfully invaded body cavities or the epidermal layer of their targeted prey, the parasite begins consuming their host. Cancer rapidly consumes calories at an exponential rate. A population of parasites grows at a rate of 1+64^1+64^2+64^3+64^4 and continues for each generation. Generations increase within the host by the hour, day, and week. Phages, cytokines, and plasmodium parasites consume the body’s calories at an exponentially increasing rate. Viral loads spread throughout an infected host. The decay processes resulting from parasitic infection by pycnogonida become the symptoms that create cases of cancer and infectious diseases. The body becomes a source of calories for the parasite and an incubator for viral spawn.
Once inside the host, acidic pycnogonids strip the body of electrons and melt tissues. Without electrons, bone and flesh lose their bonds. They leach electrons and dissolve the body from within, while Tritium shed from the species becomes a multiplier for the rate of decay within the host. At a microscopic level, the process of a parasite virus dissolving a host cell is called “uncoating”. This process begins with the leaching of the host’s calories at an exponentially increasing rate. pycnogonids strategically target healthy areas within the body to leach available calories. The body becomes unbound without electrons. An invading parasite will consume a host’s calories in excess, grow, and produce as many offspring as possible. The nematocysts produced from the first generations will continue this cycle, perpetuating the infection.
As a virus infection consumes a host’s epithelial cells, the throat becomes stripped and raw. A sore throat is often the first sign of a viral infection. Hosts often begin feeling symptoms during the fifth or sixth generation of the virus’ reproduction. If the host’s immune system cannot break down and kill a virus infection during its incubation within the upper respiratory system, proteins will continue to breed and spread downward into the lungs themselves. “Acute inflammatory injection (AII)” is the process of rapid necrosis of the epithelial lining of the bronchial tree. pycnogonids and their microscopic phage offspring begin ripping apart capillaries and bronchioles within the lungs. Lungs become clogged with growing virus proteins, blood, fluids, and scar tissues. Essential “surfactant” within the lungs disappears and the function of oxygen absorption within the lungs rapidly decreases. Extreme distress in the lungs termed “acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS)” is a process with no cure. Today’s intensive care units administer oxygen to ARDS patients to keep hosts alive until they can recover. Coronaviruses such as the 2003 outbreak of “severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS)” and the 2019 outbreak of COVID-19 kill humans via ARDS. In ARDS, hosts' organs fail due to lack of oxygen, fluids in the lungs leach into the heart causing strain on the heart or breathing just stops. Viral infection of the respiratory tract may also lead to bacterial pneumonia. A lack of epithelial cells destroys a host’s ability to clear the respiratory tract of bacteria.
pycnogonids, virus proteins, and lethal bacteria flow freely into the lungs. ARDS becomes pneumonia when the lungs “consolidate” or become hard, solid, stiff, and inelastic. Pneumonia is often a result of an infection of a bacteria called pneumococci. Pneumonia often kills by either restricting the flow of oxygen into the host, or by the creation of fissures, cracks, and sores in stiff lung tissue which allows virus proteins and bacteria into the host’s bloodstream. End-of-Life Degeneration Viruses invade internal organs, destroy tissue, and consume the body’s proteins. Reye’s syndrome and other diseases lead to liver failure. Virus infections cause abscesses and necrosis of the kidneys. Viruses consume protein found within glandular systems such as the adrenal glands, hypothalamus, and lymph glands leading to breakdowns in enzyme and hormone production as well as regulatory functions.
The fatty lipid layers that cover and insulate portions of the brain are called Myelin. Myelin, to the function of the nervous system, is like the silicone insulation that surrounds and insulates electrical copper wires and cables or and used in circuit boards to separate individual electric components. Myelin protects and isolates electrical signals produced within the brain which travel down the spinal cord and throughout the nervous system. As for viruses, Mylin has only one function, being a source of available calories as a food supply. In the brain, virus infections target and consume the fatty lipid content that surrounds and insulates neurons, dendrites, and nerve bundles contained within the white matter of the cerebrum. When Myelin, which protects the brain, is consumed in a process called Demyelination, electrical signals within the nervous system are unprotected.
Degeneration of signal power and quality of transmissions throughout the nervous system are common systems of demyelination that resemble symptoms of decay found on insulation within electrical systems and devices resulting from rodent infestations. Acute demyelination of the nervous system can lead to more severe short circuits within the nervous system of a host of a virus infection. Acute demyelination or short-circuiting of the nervous system is often responsible for seizures, tremors, shaking, spasms, uncontrollable muscle movement, physical impairment, mental degradation, and trouble during speech found as epidemic diseases such as M.S., Parkinson’s, and epilepsy. demyelination can only be halted and reversed via the removal of the virus infection from the body and the consumption of massive volumes of regenerative supplements such as collagen, MSM, glucosamine, and amino acids. Zinc is used by the body to build and repair neurons and nerves within your body. These regenerative supplements help rebuild the Myelin lipid content throughout the nervous system. High-Ph alkaline treatments and a high intake of regenerative supplement-rich diets can repair and stimulate Myelin growth needed for rebuilding and supporting a healthy nervous system.