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Medication Legend

℞: Medications that treat viral infections and tumors are marked with the "℞" symbol.
+: Medications that contain proteins for weight gain are marked with the "+" symbol.
++: Regenerative medications for neurogenesis are marked with the "++" symbol.


The fatty lipid layers that cover and insulate portions of the brain are called Myelin. Myelin, to the function of the nervous system, is like the silicone insulation that surrounds and insulates electrical copper wires and cables and circuit boards to separate individual electric components. Myelin protects and isolates electrical signals produced within the brain. Mylenin protects the brain, stem, spinal cord, and nervous system. Myelin is a source of calories for pycnogonids. Virus infections in the brain target and consume the fatty lipid content that insulates neurons, dendrites, and nerve bundles in the white matter of the cerebrum.

When Myelin, which protects the brain, is consumed in a process called Demyelination, electrical signals within the nervous system are unprotected. Degeneration of signal power and quality of transmissions throughout the nervous system are standard systems of demyelination. Demylenation is similar to symptoms of decay found on insulation within electrical systems and devices. Acute demyelination of the nervous system can lead to more severe short circuits within the nervous system of a host of a virus infection. Acute demyelination or short-circuiting of the nervous system is often responsible for seizures, tremors, shaking, spasms, uncontrollable muscle movement, physical impairment, mental degradation, and trouble during speech. Multiple Sclerosis M.S., Parkinson’s, and epilepsy are symptoms of demyelination by a pycnogonid parasite.

demyelination can only be halted and reversed by removing the virus infection from the body and consuming massive volumes of regenerative supplements such as collagen, MSM, glucosamine, and amino acids. Zinc is used by the body to build and repair neurons and nerves within your body. These regenerative supplements help rebuild the Myelin lipid content throughout the nervous system. High-Ph alkaline treatments and a high intake of regenerative supplement-rich diets can repair and stimulate Myelin growth needed for rebuilding and supporting a healthy nervous system.

Access Non-GMO, antigen-free, FDA-approved antiviral medication formulas used in Moderna's Spikevax.

VirusTC is a retail provider of concentrated FDA-approved antiviral medication formulas. VirusTC wholesale formulas are used in Moderna products. We sell FDA-approved formulas that are compatible with university medical plans, federal insurance coverage, and many major insurance providers. Our medications are part of tailored non-invasive cancer treatment plans available at a hospital in your region. VirusTC targets problems and provides care for the symptoms. Our products and services are used by Fred Hutch Cancer Center, John Hopkins, University Hospitals, the United States Military, and professional sports. During Operation Cancer Moonshot 2023, VirusTC products killed cancer cells, increased strength, and redeveloped muscles, tissue, and brain cells after cancer treatments.