Why is cancer so painful?
Cancer is a term given to viral infections by large breed pycnogonida (phage virus) that have grown to at least 0.1 cm (Stage 1) within the body. pycnogonids are highly aggressive semi-tophaphagous parasites that consume internal tissues, organs, muscles, and bones. The life of a cancer patient is similar to watching an enemy eating your steak dinner while you are dying of starvation.
Why is narcotics detox so painful?
Narcotics like Heroin, Methamphetamine, and Cocaine contain biological and plant-based components. Plant-based components like Poppy milk in heroin, ephedrine in meth, or creatine in cocaine are absorbed and digested by the human body in about the timeframe that a meal could be completely digested.
Plant-based components used in narcotics manufacturing are used to inhibit biological components while still allowing the biological components to deliver an intoxicating effect. The unstable biology of the pycnogonida species melts down into a gelatinous brown tar when mixed with poppy milk, with the species' exoskeleton turning into a white powder. These are the chemical reactions that create street heroin. Creatine breaks down pycnogonida exoskeleton into white powder. This is the chemical reaction that creates street cocaine. Components of pycnogonida form a hard crystalline substance when combined with ephedrine. This is the chemical reaction that creates street methamphetamines.
Pycngonid species used to create illegal narcotics are highly invasive and parasitic. Once the body digests plant components, biological components wreak havoc on internal tissues, organs, muscles, and bone. Narcotics contain biological HAZMAT waste that consumes the human body from within. Proteins consumed are replaced with viral integrase as pycnogonids from narcotics spread throughout the body.
How does CarnivoreRx+ work?
CarnivoreRx+ is an organic plant-based protein product formulated to inhibit and break down pycnogonids in the body. CarnivoreRx+ provides vital nutrition to areas of the body shown to deteriorate from biological parasite infections. Unlike many other proteins, Carnivore+ does not feed or sustain parasitic infection. CarnivoreRx+ is poisonous to biological HAZMAT cells.