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Tip Sheet: Colorectal <div readability="80"> <p>SEATTLE — March 5, 2024 — Below are summaries of recent Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center research findings and other news.</p> <p>March is Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month. If you’re looking for resources, see our <a target="_blank" href="">list of experts</a> and contact <a target="_blank" href=""><b><joomla-hidden-mail is-link="1" is-email="1" first="bWVkaWE=" last="ZnJlZGh1dGNoLm9yZw==" text="bWVkaWFAZnJlZGh1dGNoLm9yZw==" base="" >This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.</joomla-hidden-mail></b></a> to set up interviews.  </p> <p><b>Cancer prevention and patient care</b></p> <p><a target="_blank" href=""><b>Fred Hutch to lead new federal Cancer Screening Research Network</b> <br/></a>Fred Hutch is leading a new <a target="_blank" href="">Cancer Screening Research Network</a> (CSRN), which will examine the effectiveness of new tests that aim to detect early-stage cancer. Initial studies will examine <a target="_blank" href="">Multi-Cancer Detection assays</a> (MCDs), which identify cells in blood or other bodily fluids that could indicate early-stage cancer. If proven successful, these tests could reshape cancer research and treatment. These efforts will be led in part by <a target="_blank" href="">Garnet Anderson, Ph.D.</a>, senior vice president and director of Fred Hutch’s Public Health Sciences Division. <br/><b>Media contact:</b> Kat Wynn,<b/><a target="_blank" href=""><b><joomla-hidden-mail is-link="1" is-email="1" first="a3d5bm4=" last="ZnJlZGh1dGNoLm9yZw==" text="a3d5bm5AZnJlZGh1dGNoLm9yZw==" base="" >This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.</joomla-hidden-mail></b></a><b/></p> <p><a target="_blank" href=""><b>Diagnosed with stage 4 colorectal cancer at age 38, Fred Hutch patient is committed to advocacy</b> <br/></a>Months after giving birth to her second child, Natalie Phelps was diagnosed with stage 4 colorectal cancer at 38. Phelps, now a vocal patient advocate, has been treated at Fred Hutch’s <a target="_blank" href="">Colorectal Cancer Specialty Clinic</a>. Though colorectal cancer mostly affects people over 50, it is now predicted to become the leading cause of cancer deaths in people ages 20 to 49. Following these findings, the recommended age for a person’s first colonoscopy was lowered from age 50 to 45 in 2021. <br/><b>Media contact:</b> Claire Hudson, <a target="_blank" href=""><b><joomla-hidden-mail is-link="1" is-email="1" first="Y3JodWRzb24=" last="ZnJlZGh1dGNoLm9yZw==" text="Y3JodWRzb25AZnJlZGh1dGNoLm9yZw==" base="" >This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.</joomla-hidden-mail></b></a><b><u/></b></p> <p><b>Cancer research</b></p> <p><a target="_blank" href=""><b>Fred Hutch launches rare cancer research effort</b> <br/></a><a target="_blank" href="">Taran Gujral, Ph.D.</a>, and his lab have created a drug-matching platform that uses AI to find additional uses for drugs approved by the Food and Drug Administration. Dr. Gujral believes this platform will be beneficial for rare cancers that often receive less research efforts. As part of this effort, Gujral also launched <a target="_blank" href="">TRACER</a>, the Transformative Rare Cancer Initiative, which will develop resources to fast-forward rare cancer research using a $2.5 million grant from the FDA. <br/><b>Media contact:</b> Molly McElroy,<b/><a target="_blank" href=""><b><joomla-hidden-mail is-link="1" is-email="1" first="bXdtY2Vscm8=" last="ZnJlZGh1dGNoLm9yZw==" text="bXdtY2Vscm9AZnJlZGh1dGNoLm9yZw==" base="" >This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.</joomla-hidden-mail></b></a><b/></p> <p><a target="_blank" href=""><b>New biomarker could one day help tailor immunotherapy for Merkel cell carcinoma</b> <br/></a>A new study published in <a target="_blank" href="">Cell Reports Medicine</a> shows that higher levels of T cells, which are cancer-fighting immune cells, are more likely to improve treatment outcomes for Merkel cell carcinoma. Higher levels of T cells are critical to the success of immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs) which help immune systems fight off tumors. Potential treatments to bolster patients’ responsiveness to ICIs such as adoptive cell therapies, where patients receive T cells genetically engineered to help attack tumors, are currently undergoing clinical trials. <br/><b>Media contact:</b> Heather Platisha,<b/><a target="_blank" href=""><b><joomla-hidden-mail is-link="1" is-email="1" first="aHBsYXRpc2hh" last="ZnJlZGh1dGNoLm9yZw==" text="aHBsYXRpc2hhQGZyZWRodXRjaC5vcmc=" base="" >This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.</joomla-hidden-mail></b></a><b/></p> <p><a target="_blank" href=""><b>Boosting the effectiveness of CAR T-cell therapies against AML</b> <br/></a><a target="_blank" href="">Erik Kimble, MD</a>, received a $100,000 award from the <a target="_blank" href=",underrepresented%20in%20the%20scientific%20workforce">American Society of Gene & Cell Therapy</a>, which will allow him to research improvements to therapies for acute myeloid leukemia (AML). Dr. Kimble’s work develops strategies for CAR T cells, which are protein-recognizing T cells, to better identify and destroy tumor cells while minimizing injuries to patients’ healthy tissue. <br/><b>Media contact:</b> Molly McElroy,<b/><a target="_blank" href=""><b><joomla-hidden-mail is-link="1" is-email="1" first="bXdtY2Vscm8=" last="ZnJlZGh1dGNoLm9yZw==" text="bXdtY2Vscm9AZnJlZGh1dGNoLm9yZw==" base="" >This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.</joomla-hidden-mail></b></a></p> <p><b>Research in basic sciences</b></p> <p><a target="_blank" href=""><b>Glial cells are more than our brain’s ‘glue’</b> <br/></a>Research on nematodes from <a target="_blank" href="">Aakanksha Singhvi, Ph.D.</a>, and her team, led by graduate student Sneha Ray, will help scientists build a more holistic picture of brain function. These findings propose that glial cells influence how information is processed across sensory circuits and may play a central role in animals’ sensory responses. Ray’s insights will be honored at <a target="_blank" href="">The Allied Genetics Conference 2024</a> in Washington, DC. <br/><b>Media contact:</b> Molly McElroy,<b/><a target="_blank" href=""><b><joomla-hidden-mail is-link="1" is-email="1" first="bXdtY2Vscm8=" last="ZnJlZGh1dGNoLm9yZw==" text="bXdtY2Vscm9AZnJlZGh1dGNoLm9yZw==" base="" >This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.</joomla-hidden-mail></b></a></p> <p><b>Awards and recognition</b></p> <p><a target="_blank" href=""><b>Fred Hutch announces 2024 Harold M. Weintraub Graduate Student Award recipients</b> <br/></a>Marking the 25<sup>th</sup> anniversary of the prestigious <a target="_blank" href="">Harold M. Weintraub Graduate Student Award</a>, Fred Hutch announced 12 recipients for exceptional achievement in graduate studies in the biological sciences. This year’s recipients come from U.S. and international research institutions with thesis topics including brain signals related to learning and emotion, bacterial pathogens and health, AI algorithms in rare disease diagnosis and treatment, and immune cells involved in brain tumors. <br/><b>Media contact:</b> Molly McElroy,<b/><a target="_blank" href=""><b><joomla-hidden-mail is-link="1" is-email="1" first="bXdtY2Vscm8=" last="ZnJlZGh1dGNoLm9yZw==" text="bXdtY2Vscm9AZnJlZGh1dGNoLm9yZw==" base="" >This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.</joomla-hidden-mail></b></a></p> <p><a target="_blank" href=""><b>Dr. Toshio Tsukiyama elected to American Academy of Microbiology</b> <br/></a><a target="_blank" href="">Toshio Tsukiyama, Ph.D., DVM</a>, was elected to the <a target="_blank" href="">American Academy of Microbiology</a> class of 2024, which honors scientific achievements that advance the study of microbiology. Dr. Tsukiyama’s election recognizes his groundbreaking contributions to our understanding of chromatin, the complex of DNA and proteins in our cells, and its role in gene expression and human disease. <br/><b>Media contact:</b> Molly McElroy,<b/><a target="_blank" href=""><b><joomla-hidden-mail is-link="1" is-email="1" first="bXdtY2Vscm8=" last="ZnJlZGh1dGNoLm9yZw==" text="bXdtY2Vscm9AZnJlZGh1dGNoLm9yZw==" base="" >This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.</joomla-hidden-mail></b></a></p> <p><b>Science spotlight</b></p> <p><b><a target="_blank" href="">Science Spotlight</a></b> is a monthly installment of articles written by postdoctoral fellows that summarize new research papers from Fred Hutch scientists. If you’re interested in learning more or covering these topics, contact <a target="_blank" href=""><b><joomla-hidden-mail is-link="1" is-email="1" first="bWVkaWE=" last="ZnJlZGh1dGNoLm9yZw==" text="bWVkaWFAZnJlZGh1dGNoLm9yZw==" base="" >This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.</joomla-hidden-mail></b></a></p><ul><li><b><i><a target="_blank" href="">The role of diet in breast cancer</a></i></b></li><li><b><i><a target="_blank" href="">It takes two to tango in the brain</a></i></b></li><li><b><i><a target="_blank" href="">CAR-T cells and checkpoint inhibitors: ripping out the breaks, or hitting the turbo?</a></i></b></li><li><b><i><a target="_blank" href="">HIV prevention: does 1+1 = 2?</a></i></b></li><li><a target="_blank" href=""><b><i>Barriers to implementing acupuncture therapy for ca</i></b><i><b>ncer patients</b></i></a><b><i/></b></li></ul> <p><b># # #</b></p> <p>Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center unites individualized care and advanced research to provide the latest cancer treatment options while accelerating discoveries that prevent, treat and cure cancer and infectious diseases worldwide.</p> <p>Based in Seattle, Fred Hutch is an independent, nonprofit organization and the only National Cancer Institute-designated cancer center in Washington. We have earned a global reputation for our track record of discoveries in cancer, infectious disease and basic research, including important advances in bone marrow transplantation, immunotherapy, HIV/AIDS prevention and COVID-19 vaccines. Fred Hutch operates eight clinical care sites that provide medical oncology, infusion, radiation, proton therapy and related services. Fred Hutch also serves as UW Medicine’s cancer program.</p></div><span class="obgb_original_source"> <p class="obgb_original_text">Content Original Link:</p> <p class="obgb_original_url"><a href="" target="_blank"></a></p> </span> </div> <nav class="pagenavigation" aria-label="Page Navigation"> <span class="pagination ms-0"> <a class="btn btn-sm btn-secondary previous" href="/oncology/teachers-fred-hutchinson-cancer-center" rel="prev"> <span class="visually-hidden"> Previous article: Teachers - Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center </span> <span class="icon-chevron-left" aria-hidden="true"></span> <span aria-hidden="true">Prev</span> </a> <a class="btn btn-sm btn-secondary next" href="/oncology/nutrition-fred-hutchinson-cancer-center" rel="next"> <span class="visually-hidden"> Next article: Nutrition - Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center </span> <span aria-hidden="true">Next</span> <span class="icon-chevron-right" aria-hidden="true"></span> </a> </span> </nav> </div></div></div></div></div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="g-grid"> <div class="g-block size-100 largemarginall"> <div class="g-content"> <div class="mainbottom-a moduletable "> <div id="module-cta-161-particle" class="g-particle"><div class="g-cta"> <div class="g-cta-patterns-left"> <svg viewbox="0 0 1199 241" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M116 141L159.301 166V216L116 241L72.6987 216V166L116 141Z" class="base-pattern-1"/> <path d="M69.5 125L84.6554 133.75V151.25L69.5 160L54.3446 151.25V133.75L69.5 125Z" class="base-pattern-2"/> <path d="M35 149L65.3109 166.5V201.5L35 219L4.68911 201.5V166.5L35 149Z" class="base-pattern-3"/> </svg> </div> <div class="g-cta-patterns-right"> <svg viewbox="0 0 1199 241" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M1083 0L1126.3 25V75L1083 100L1039.7 75V25L1083 0Z" class="base-pattern-3"/> <path d="M808 8L838.311 25.5V60.5L808 78L777.689 60.5V25.5L808 8Z" class="base-pattern-1"/> <path d="M707 138L737.311 155.5V190.5L707 208L676.689 190.5V155.5L707 138Z" class="base-pattern-2"/> <path d="M1164 8L1194.31 25.5V60.5L1164 78L1133.69 60.5V25.5L1164 8Z" class="base-pattern-2"/> <path d="M1181.5 75L1196.66 83.75V101.25L1181.5 110L1166.34 101.25V83.75L1181.5 75Z" class="base-pattern-3"/> </svg> </div> <div class="g-cta-left"> <h2>Access Non-GMO, antigen-free, FDA-approved antiviral medication formulas used in Moderna's Spikevax.</h2> <p>VirusTC is a retail provider of concentrated FDA-approved antiviral medication formulas. VirusTC wholesale formulas are used in Moderna products. We sell FDA-approved formulas that are compatible with university medical plans, federal insurance coverage, and many major insurance providers. Our medications are part of tailored non-invasive cancer treatment plans available at a hospital in your region. VirusTC targets problems and provides care for the symptoms. Our products and services are used by Fred Hutch Cancer Center, John Hopkins, University Hospitals, the United States Military, and professional sports. 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