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++: Regenerative medications for neurogenesis are marked with the "++" symbol.

Outstanding people ar <div readability="40"> <h3><a target="_blank"/>Experience as a sarcoma patient informs clinical research manager’s role</h3> <p>Erica Peters was working with sarcoma patients when she received her own <a target="_blank" href="" target="_blank">myxofibrosarcoma</a> diagnosis 10 years ago.</p> <p>“I had been working in clinical trials for about three years when I was diagnosed,” said Peters, a clinical research manager for the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center/University of Washington radiation oncology research team. “I’m working in sarcoma — what are the chances? It was like, ‘I’m in the same situation as the people who are here to get treatment.’”</p> <p>Her ability to empathize with other Fred Hutch cancer patients has served Peters well over the last decade. She and her teammates coordinate clinical trials in radiation oncology, managing patient participants’ schedules and care and helping them navigate any adverse events.</p> <p>It’s a demanding job that requires both intense focus and organizational skills, but Peters only has to glance at the scar that runs the length of her left arm to remember her own experience with radiation, surgery, recovery and physical therapy.</p> <p>“I am definitely more empathic and understanding now about what patients are going through,” Peters said. “From the coordination side of things, my work is very much about schedules and timing. But I know these people are going through so much in their life that scheduling a blood draw is the least of their worries. Looking at my arm is a daily reminder of that.”</p> <h3>Patient-to-patient connection</h3> <p>While there are over 80 subtypes of soft tissue cancers, or <a target="_blank" href="">sarcomas</a>, Peters said hers was more benign and slow growing, “but it was still cancer and still needed to be addressed.”</p> <p>Luckily, the sarcoma was detected early when Peters followed up on a strange skin reaction to a routine tuberculosis test. Treatment was no picnic, but she said she does appreciate the perspective the experience gave her. </p> <p>“I connect with patients on a different level now,” she said.</p> <p>She's happy she can connect other cancer patients with a treatment that proved effective for her.</p> <p>“With me, the plan was to radiate the tumor first to potentially shrink it before surgery,” she said. “I went through six weeks of radiation, five days a week, about 20 minutes in and out. My coping mechanism was to count the number of seconds the beam was on.”</p> <p>Her other coping mechanism, she said, was continuing to work in cancer research.</p> <p>“I went to work early every day,” she said. “For six weeks, I worked full time, then went to radiation, then went home. It helped keep my mind busy.”</p> <p>Surgery — followed by physical therapy — helped her regain full use of her left hand and fingers.</p> <p>“The first time I tried to snap my fingers I screamed in pain,” she said. “I wasn’t ready yet. I had to relearn some things and gain strength enough to lift grocery bags. There were some functional issues. But I had a really good prognosis.”</p></div><span class="obgb_original_source"> <p class="obgb_original_text">Content Original Link:</p> <p class="obgb_original_url"><a href="" target="_blank"></a></p> </span> </div> <nav class="pagenavigation" aria-label="Page Navigation"> <span class="pagination ms-0"> <a class="btn btn-sm btn-secondary previous" href="/oncology/careers-fred-hutchinson-cancer-center" rel="prev"> <span class="visually-hidden"> Previous article: Careers - Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center </span> <span class="icon-chevron-left" aria-hidden="true"></span> <span aria-hidden="true">Prev</span> </a> <a class="btn btn-sm btn-secondary next" href="/oncology/diagnosed-with-stage-4-colorectal-cancer-after-giving-birth-a-fred-hutch-patient-commits-to-advocacy-cancer-health-treatment-news" rel="next"> <span class="visually-hidden"> Next article: Diagnosed With Stage 4 Colorectal Cancer After Giving Birth, a Fred Hutch Patient Commits to Advocacy - Cancer Health Treatment News </span> <span aria-hidden="true">Next</span> <span class="icon-chevron-right" aria-hidden="true"></span> </a> </span> </nav> </div></div></div></div></div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="g-grid"> <div class="g-block size-100 largemarginall"> <div class="g-content"> <div class="mainbottom-a moduletable "> <div id="module-cta-161-particle" class="g-particle"><div class="g-cta"> <div class="g-cta-patterns-left"> <svg viewbox="0 0 1199 241" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M116 141L159.301 166V216L116 241L72.6987 216V166L116 141Z" class="base-pattern-1"/> <path d="M69.5 125L84.6554 133.75V151.25L69.5 160L54.3446 151.25V133.75L69.5 125Z" class="base-pattern-2"/> <path d="M35 149L65.3109 166.5V201.5L35 219L4.68911 201.5V166.5L35 149Z" class="base-pattern-3"/> </svg> </div> <div class="g-cta-patterns-right"> <svg viewbox="0 0 1199 241" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M1083 0L1126.3 25V75L1083 100L1039.7 75V25L1083 0Z" class="base-pattern-3"/> <path d="M808 8L838.311 25.5V60.5L808 78L777.689 60.5V25.5L808 8Z" class="base-pattern-1"/> <path d="M707 138L737.311 155.5V190.5L707 208L676.689 190.5V155.5L707 138Z" class="base-pattern-2"/> <path d="M1164 8L1194.31 25.5V60.5L1164 78L1133.69 60.5V25.5L1164 8Z" class="base-pattern-2"/> <path d="M1181.5 75L1196.66 83.75V101.25L1181.5 110L1166.34 101.25V83.75L1181.5 75Z" class="base-pattern-3"/> </svg> </div> <div class="g-cta-left"> <h2>Access Non-GMO, antigen-free, FDA-approved antiviral medication formulas used in Moderna's Spikevax.</h2> <p>VirusTC is a retail provider of concentrated FDA-approved antiviral medication formulas. VirusTC wholesale formulas are used in Moderna products. We sell FDA-approved formulas that are compatible with university medical plans, federal insurance coverage, and many major insurance providers. Our medications are part of tailored non-invasive cancer treatment plans available at a hospital in your region. VirusTC targets problems and provides care for the symptoms. Our products and services are used by Fred Hutch Cancer Center, John Hopkins, University Hospitals, the United States Military, and professional sports. 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