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++: Regenerative medications for neurogenesis are marked with the "++" symbol.

Military scho <div readability="28"> <p>First-year dental student Mary Mercier was working as a dental assistant and sterilization tech at the UNMC College of Dentistry last year when she first heard about a military scholarship that would help her pay for dental school.</p> <p>Interested in becoming a dentist since she was young, Mercier was already in the process of applying to dental school and learned about the scholarship from current students.</p> <p>She was accepted into the dental class of 2021 and immediately applied for the Armed Forces Health Professions Scholarship Program (HPSP) through the U.S. Air Force.</p> <p>At the time, she had no idea just how selective the scholarship program was. In December she learned she was one of just two students in an eight-state area to receive the scholarship. It meant that the Air Force would pay for her final three years of dental school and any academic-related costs, as well as provide a monthly stipend for living expenses.</p> <p>“It was such a relief not to have to worry about taking out huge student loans,” she recalled.</p> <p>Offered by the U.S. Navy, Army and Air Force, the scholarships pay for between one and four years of school for students pursuing careers in dentistry and other health professions. After graduating, dental students become active-duty military dentists for a minimum of three years, plus a commitment to serve in the reserves. They also can pursue advanced education through the military.</p> <p>While the financial benefits and travel opportunities are big draws, the HPSP has become a conduit for students to get their education and serve their country, said fourth-year dental student Nicole Searcey.</p> <p>She received a two-year Air Force scholarship and will graduate in May. Then she will head to commissioned officer training at Maxwell Air Force Base in Alabama before returning to Offutt Air Force Base in Bellevue, Neb. She will complete a one-year general dentistry residency program, then could be stationed anywhere across the globe.</p> <p>“I love that my patient base will be people who are serving,” she said. “I’m excited to be trained to the standards of the U.S. Air Force; I think they’ll push me to be a better dentist and a better citizen.”</p> <p>The UNMC College of Dentistry currently has 12 students receiving HPSP scholarships (the UNMC College of Medicine has six). Having so many classmates also in the military offers a sense of community, Mercier and Searcey said. </p> <p>Mercier recently joined an honor society for Air Force dentists, and Searcey started a Facebook page to connect current and former dental students in the military. The group meets a few times per year and recently organized a Skype call with a dental alum serving at Langley Air Force Base in Virginia.</p> <p>“It has been a good platform for us to be able to bounce tips off each other and become more connected,” Searcey said.</p></div><span class="obgb_original_source"> <p class="obgb_original_text">Content Original Link:</p> <p class="obgb_original_url"><a href="" target="_blank"></a></p> </span> </div> <nav class="pagenavigation" aria-label="Page Navigation"> <span class="pagination ms-0"> <a class="btn btn-sm btn-secondary previous" href="/medical-news/military-match-day-for-medical-residency-white-coat-investor-the-white-coat-investor" rel="prev"> <span class="visually-hidden"> Previous article: Military Match Day for Medical Residency | White Coat Investor - The White Coat Investor </span> <span class="icon-chevron-left" aria-hidden="true"></span> <span aria-hidden="true">Prev</span> </a> <a class="btn btn-sm btn-secondary next" href="/medical-news/love-of-vision-love-of-country-4-umsl-optometry-students-earn-full-ride-army-scholarships-umsl-daily" rel="next"> <span class="visually-hidden"> Next article: Love of vision, love of country: 4 UMSL optometry students earn full-ride Army scholarships - UMSL Daily </span> <span aria-hidden="true">Next</span> <span class="icon-chevron-right" aria-hidden="true"></span> </a> </span> </nav> </div></div></div></div></div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="g-grid"> <div class="g-block size-100 largemarginall"> <div class="g-content"> <div class="mainbottom-a moduletable "> <div id="module-cta-161-particle" class="g-particle"><div class="g-cta"> <div class="g-cta-patterns-left"> <svg viewbox="0 0 1199 241" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M116 141L159.301 166V216L116 241L72.6987 216V166L116 141Z" class="base-pattern-1"/> <path d="M69.5 125L84.6554 133.75V151.25L69.5 160L54.3446 151.25V133.75L69.5 125Z" class="base-pattern-2"/> <path d="M35 149L65.3109 166.5V201.5L35 219L4.68911 201.5V166.5L35 149Z" class="base-pattern-3"/> </svg> </div> <div class="g-cta-patterns-right"> <svg viewbox="0 0 1199 241" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M1083 0L1126.3 25V75L1083 100L1039.7 75V25L1083 0Z" class="base-pattern-3"/> <path d="M808 8L838.311 25.5V60.5L808 78L777.689 60.5V25.5L808 8Z" class="base-pattern-1"/> <path d="M707 138L737.311 155.5V190.5L707 208L676.689 190.5V155.5L707 138Z" class="base-pattern-2"/> <path d="M1164 8L1194.31 25.5V60.5L1164 78L1133.69 60.5V25.5L1164 8Z" class="base-pattern-2"/> <path d="M1181.5 75L1196.66 83.75V101.25L1181.5 110L1166.34 101.25V83.75L1181.5 75Z" class="base-pattern-3"/> </svg> </div> <div class="g-cta-left"> <h2>Access Non-GMO, antigen-free, FDA-approved antiviral medication formulas used in Moderna's Spikevax.</h2> <p>VirusTC is a retail provider of concentrated FDA-approved antiviral medication formulas. 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