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++: Regenerative medications for neurogenesis are marked with the "++" symbol.

Zooid-Mobilized Biological Entities (ZOMBIES)

In oceanography, plasmodium parasites are termed “Physalia physalis”. Physalia physalis is commonly known as the “Portuguese Man O’ War”. Portuguese Man O’ War are observed when Pycnogonid shells REDOX in the ocean and the purple gelatinous mass of internal organs float to the surface. The Portuguese Man O’ War is labeled as a “Zooid Lifeform”. pycnogonids are invasive parasites that inject weaponized offspring into targeted cells. Phages are alien infantry to the hominoid biosystem. Zombie research studies Pycnogonida parasite infections (phage virus infections) and the takeover of a living host by the viral load. We will focus on scenarios in which a viable heartbeat exists, and partial brain activity continues. In a Zooid-Mobilized Biological Entity (ZOMBIE), areas of the brain related to emotion, consciousness, and self-control are decayed or taken by the virus infection or infestation.

Virus Treatment Centers was the first organization to provide a starting point for real-world zombie infestation response. I published this document as a lecture for my work with Cancer Moonshot and Fred Hutch in 2023. My entire line of biology work focuses on the thesis that at a cellular level our intelligence is formed from the living decision-making cells in our body in cooperation with a “pilot cell” being the initial [sperm] cell that divides at conception. This lecture will look at symptoms of Zombie behavior in cases when a human loses physical and emotional intelligent control during a virus infection.


pycnogonids have mechanical learning abilities that allow the species to take over a host completely. pycnogonids use electrical signaling from ovigars to deliver electrical pulses into a host’s brain. Tritium within pycnogonids contains enough electricity to manipulate a host’s muscle impulses and executive motor functions. pycnogonid control over a human may result from death within sections of the host’s brain. pycnogonid intelligence is high enough to mimic human decision-making, emotions, prioritization, and the manifestation of personal motivations. Death of conscious control areas of the brain used to control organs and other biological systems reduces primitive motor functions, immediate survival instincts, and behavioral health. Death in areas of the brain from virus infection leaves a human body motivated by the pycnogonid parasite instead of the host’s own intentions.

Demyelination is the number one factor that leads to Zooid-Mobilized Biological Entities in narcotic cases. When the executive control of a conscious brain deteriorates due to lack of medical care, brain cell death has already occurred. pycnogonids show high intelligence that includes the abilities to survive and spread at exponential rates. pycnogonids target areas of the brain related to advanced computational function, advanced motor skills, and upper-level functionality. Symptoms of virus infections in the brain include dying portions of the body, lack of hygiene sensitivity, primitive intake of prey, and lack of competency. A host may be highly aggressive with a half-dead appearance and an odor of human decay.

Zombie activity is used to spread rapidly through hosts via infection. pycnogonids survive by spreading parasites from their gonopores, etc. Rebellious activity by pycnogonids is a "survival instinct" by the parasites within their hosts. pycnogonids recognize vulnerable low-Ph biosystems as new hosts and will spread their population at any opportunity. pycnogonida will attempt to create or force opportunities to spread to a new host. pycnogonida will motivate a human host to make physical contact with a vulnerable person for infection purposes. A host that is controlled by a pycnogonida infection may place survival and reproduction of pycnogonids at a higher priority than taboos of the host's own culture. Rape, cannibalism, and bloodlust are the results of close quarters between Zombies and unaffected hosts.

Zombie Attacks

Zombies lack self-control. Zombie-infected hosts are the most dangerous who have lost a moral consciousness of right or wrong. An infected host lacks hesitation. Zombies provide victims with no leisure to decide the next move. Zombies operate from compulsive pre-decided actions. Victims who hesitated to defend themselves would be the first to become infected in an attack. The lack of understanding of comfort or pain increases the speed of Zombies. Victims who worried about dropping belongings, losing things, or bodily pain are left behind to become zombies. Zombies spread infections to new hosts.

Mortal wounds infected by zombie attacks would bleed out and cause the victim to lose the blood pressure required to support muscle function. The resulting body mass would remain infected and could spread into nearby water supplies, animals, scavengers, or through accidental contact. Attacks on healthy victims in which wounds are minor and not mortal are common transfer scenarios for parasitic virus infections. In an event in which bleeding was stopped, but the infection breached the body's defenses, the infection incubation rate would depend solely on the pH level of the victim or the victim’s ability to rapidly increase their pH level.

The body's ability to fight virus infections depends on the body’s pH level and the strength of the immune system. The victim's 'awareness' that the foreign cells are attacking affects the immune system will improve their ability to seek proper medical treatment. Precursors to conception cell ECNM Hofstad death include fever, vomiting, mental delusions, pain, visual impairment, and possible loss of consciousness. Weakening of the immune system would likely tire out a conscious host before loss of executive function occurred. An infected host may wake up from a fever coma as a Zombie.


Because of the difficulty in restarting the heart, re-animation of dead victims is unlikely. However, after death, before Rigor Mortis sets in, a virus-induced electrical impulse of the heart could regain mobility functions in an infected host. The electrical impulse could come from a pycnogonid in the brain or chest. Tritium signaling specifically in the brain stem area or directly on the heart could trigger the heart muscle. A system-wide electrical pulse by pycnogonids throughout the entire body could start a heart muscle. In most Zombies, brain function deteriorates to a level of immediate survival functions and simple motor movement. A zombie would have a continued need for a food supply consisting of protein and water. Without consuming calories, a zombie’s body will consume itself and eventually die. Dietary substances such as electrolytes and glucose are not ignored by meth and heroin users. Candy and junk foods high in glucose are often stolen from stores by narcotics zombies. Instructional cravings may still exist for substances like salt and sugar. Consumption of sugar would most likely restore slight cognitive functions. Gut bacteria and neurons in the intestinal tract might play a large role in the decision-making of a Zombie with a digestive infection. The neurons in the brain might play a role in the decision- making of a Zombie with a brain infection. Portions of the brain related to visual, audio, and smell, as well as some memories may be intact in a zombie. Portions of the digestive system contain neurons that control instincts and emotions which may be intact in a zombie. In some cases, disembowelment may be better used for the impairment of motor functions than head trauma alone when stopping a Zombie attack.


Advanced motor skills such as driving an automobile through a city street, sending a text message, or using a computer may or may not be damaged by an infection. A zombie is capable of very dangerous simple mechanical functions. Intellectual functions such as opening a door, walking, climbing stairs, using a key, or entering a door code exist in many Zombie cases. Zombies who have built combat muscle memory during pre-infected life may still be able to aim and shoot firearms or use advanced martial arts. Infected hosts pose a real threat to society. The process of spreading zombie infections often includes virus transfer in grams such as bodily fluid transmissions and narcotics sales. Unlikely is Zombie spread from a common virus or bacterial infection through milligrams transferred by touching door handles or getting sneezed on. Airborne particles or skin transmission is possible depending on similar factors related to immune system strength and cellular attack method. The initial infection could come from an individual with a unique immune system outbreak or from a weaponized distribution.

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